MY Goals and Aspirations for 2014


As the first month of the new year comes to a close. I thought it a good idea to share some of  the goals and aspirations for both the business and my personal life. Originally I wasn’t going to share my new years list but, on second thought I’m a firm believer that its important to put things out in the universe.

First ,what you should know about me is I’m a huge goal oriented person. I mean, I’ve got it bad. I build daily to do list just for the pleasure of being able to check items off after completion.

Ok so here it is. In no certain order.

Build on my craft:

This is always on my list.Chris and I love to attend workshops during the year. In this business there are always new shooting and editing techniques introduced into the industry. I think its very important to stay current.

Studio Space:

Expanding into boudoir photography requires a more dedicated shooting space, Chris and I began looking into collaborative spaces just before 2013’s end.

New Website Design:

I think its always important to keep things fresh and updated. I would like to incorporate behind the scene’s video in the new year.

Collaborate with other Creatives: images

I‘m hoping to do this by shooting styled shoots this year.

Get published:

I’m a huge fan of online wedding and fashion mags. This has been apart of my vision for awhile but not on my list. This year I’m feeling gutsy.

Book Ten 2015 Weddings:

Chris and I like to shoot 20ish weddings a year. I always like to go into the year half way to our goal.

Blog More:

I’m terrible at keeping a blogging schedule. But I’m going to work hard to share more of our work and myself.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle:

Out of all the goals on my list this is the most challenging for me.

 Hi! My name is Bontisha and I’m a work a holic. Ok there. I’ve said it.

A healthy lifestyle isn’t just about my weight and a number on the scale. Although that’s definitely on my list. I’m More looking for a balance. A balance for Family, Life ,Spirituality and Work. Ugg……. with this balance I hope to improve the quality of my life.

Goal of Celebration:download (1)

Because I’m soo driven I don’t take the time to really enjoy success. Once a goal is achieved I’m soo hungry to move forward I forget to celebrate.

Ok there you have it. I love starting a new year. It always feels like a fresh start. I think a list of your goals and aspirations is a living document. Meaning that as you grow and change so can your list of goals.

For 2014 I’m wishing you Confidence even in the presence of fear.